
Stories featured on the 10 Days campaign website for Living Water International (Click to read)

Meet Reverend Levi. 

Reverend Levi has been ministering to the Free Methodist Church in Ruhango, Rwanda for the last two years.  In September of 2013, during a district meeting with Melchizedek, LWI Rwanda's Church Mobilization Coordinator, Levi expressed his desire to start a school for the local children. The problem was the church did not have the funds to do so. However, after much prayer from the church members and the community, God opened up the doors to fulfill the desire that was put on Levi's heart. Melchizedek decided to rent out the Free Methodist Church's sanctuary for an orality training workshop with all of the district church leaders in Ruhango. These workshops are held quarterly within the district by Living Water International staff to provide local pastors with helpful tools on reaching out to the community and teaching God's word through oral stories.  Oral story telling has been a longtime tradition in Rwanda and serves as an effective way of sharing stories in the Bible along with the message of the Gospel.
            The rent money that Reverend Levi received after the three day workshop was just enough to start the school that he had dreamed about. The following two months were dedicated to the construction of a few new classrooms right next to the church. In January 2014, the school officially opened and welcomed 16 students into their classrooms. Levi learned that God often times works in and through the people He's placed in our lives in order to fulfill the desires He's placed on our hearts. Now, just four short months later, over 45 students attend the Ruhango Nan Nursery School where they are able to further their education while growing deeper in the word of God. 


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